0508 - Renaissance Festival/中古世紀園遊會

Sunday, August 28, 2005

the jugglers~ 好看的雜耍~ 他們後來還耍點火的~ Posted by Picasa

another one Posted by Picasa

another one  Posted by Picasa

put your face in the horse butt~ Posted by Picasa

learning how to write like people in the mid-evil 學怎麼寫中古世紀的書法~ Posted by Picasa

Posted by Picasa

the woman claimed that the turtle is her husband, who had been put under a spell 那個女的聲稱那隻烏龜是她受了詛咒的丈夫... Posted by Picasa

coming closer~ Posted by Picasa

he's even wearing a cute scottish skirt~ 他還穿了一件很可愛的蘇格蘭裙耶~ Posted by Picasa

fy and me~ Posted by Picasa

me~ Posted by Picasa

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mike's in a line to buy some beer, someone's telling fy where the food stalls are Posted by Picasa

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fy and mike are looking at some pottery Posted by Picasa

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some shows on the street~ Posted by Picasa

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the weird looking chickens with furry legs~ 有毛毛腳的雞~ Posted by Picasa

another one Posted by Picasa

another one Posted by Picasa